Once upon a time, I was merely
dreaming of decorating a nursery. Now, the work is in full swing. We've taken over our "office" (more like storage room) right across the hall from our bedroom, slowly but surely transforming it into a gender neutral (sort of) nook.
(* Side note and funny story ... when I told my mother that we weren't finding out the sex of the baby and were designing a pretty "gender neutral" room, her response was "Oh honey, how wonderful. Now you're really giving the baby the option." Uhm, of deciding it's own gender? I think not, mom.)For whatever reason, from the time a baby was even a thought in my head, I was obsessed with finding bedding. Since the journey to conceive was a long one, many of the sets I found were discontinued before I was ready to purchase. So, imagine my surprise when my dream set (the unattainable, uber expensive
Caden Lane bedding I longed for) showed up on
The Mini Social for 1/3 of the original price! (I might have pulled my husband
out of court to request the go-ahead to purchase.)

This is just a sneak peak of what's the come with the nursery. We're wrapping things up this weekend, so before and after pics will be posted shortly.

(PS - If you'd like an invite to The Mini Social, drop me a line. I've already spent WAY too much money there.)