Where to start? I don't usually like to mix my personal life with my "professional," but alas I feel as though I must explain my absence from this blog. And really, who am I kidding? Everything about this blog is personal! How many times have you all seen my kitchen and wedding pics?
Long story
short (operative word), it all comes down to having a little one. For about a year, my husband and I have been struggling with infertility - daily doctor's appointments, injections, and other sordid procedures. It's been an adventure, to say the least; and I've been hidden in this scarred and worried little world, unable to break out, unable to see the light.
I will save you the details of the ebbs and flows of this "journey," but suffice it to say I am learning and growing a lot. I've been very open about this, telling almost anyone who will listen, because I just don't think that people talk about it enough. We are extremely hopefully that good things will happen for us, but that is now out of our control.
So, I hope you will understand why my blog roll has been crowded with fertility blogs lately and why, though I've drafted a million and one posts, I haven't made anything live since Thanksgiving (pathetic, really.) At the end of the day, the bottom line is that blogging made me happy, and I'm trying - very hard - to get back on the horse. I hope you all will forgive an occasional rant, and that I can fill in the space with wonderful finds for the home, kitchen, baby, bride, you-name-it!
(My husband just saw that I was blogging and screamed "YAYYYYY!" Cute, right? Also, he said I should post a picture of my new computer ... another motivating factor to getting on here again!)